Why The Fauci Emails Matter
11 min read The Fauci emails have revealed the tip of the censorship iceberg and should wake people up to the extent to which we are
11 min read The Fauci emails have revealed the tip of the censorship iceberg and should wake people up to the extent to which we are
3 min read This legal letter from Lexcel (UK) to Sir Simon Stevens (CEO, NHS) is an excellent summary of all that is wrong with the
< 1 min read Multiple leading scientists call for an end to ALL Covid restrictions in the United Kingdom as they hit out at ‘confused and
< 1 min read Nick Hudson on the South African government’s avoidance of data in decision-making throughout the pandemic – Reliable data; an essential component of
< 1 min read Investigative journalist Sonia Elijah interviews Nick Hudson, who talks about the scandal of using the PCR test to diagnose Covid-19, conflicts of
< 1 min read To beat COVID hysteria, we must ridicule and laugh.
Ridicule the response.
Laugh at the lunacy.
Reject the fear porn.
< 1 min read The data, facts, and realities of COVID were far away from what the media and public health institutions were presenting to the
< 1 min read Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, speaks to Alec Hogg on the AstraZeneca vaccine and the sudden resignation of Salim Karim.
< 1 min read Kan ontleders op grond van die derde Covid-golf in Europa voorspel wanneer die derde golf Suid-Afrika sal tref? Weet ons enigsins wanneer
< 1 min read PANDA member and hazardous environs PPE applications expert, Megan Mansell, interviewed by Dr Drew about the generalised use of masks during the