Toward a New York City Hypothesis | Jessica Hockett, PhD
2 min read With a 600% increase in the weekly death rate, what happened in New York City in spring 2020?
2 min read With a 600% increase in the weekly death rate, what happened in New York City in spring 2020?
6 min read Those pushing this narrative envision a world in which any lifeform is considered intrinsically of equal worth to others. Within this ‘equitable’ worldview, humans become a pollutant.
11 min read A reassessment of the available evidence suggests another factor was involved.
5 min read We can meekly accept the new disease-obsessed world the WHO is pursuing or choose to be free from the false public goods of colonialism and fascism.
< 1 min read By reviewing public health’s role in the Covid hysteria, and delving into little mentioned records and analysis of past quarantines/lockdowns, Sanjeev Sabhlok argues not only for the abolition of lockdowns, but also for the abolition and restructuring of most public health functions in their entirety.
< 1 min read The astonishing history of a Lyme disease outbreak that medical science writer Kris Newby uncovered after she and her husband developed the debilitating tick-borne disease.
4 min read Should WHO dictate how we manage basic challenges in our lives? We would give up centuries of hard-won gains and re-embrace the feudalism that constitutes the Kim family’s preferred model.
31 min read Policies established by governments are always deliberate decisions of humans weighing costs against benefits, negotiating between winners and losers. During the Covid event, governments’ unprecedented policies are reflected in 2022’s Human Development Report, a regular publication by the United Nations Development Programme.
4 min read In a world of reportedly multiplying health emergencies, it has become necessary to give up some independence in return for our safety. But if humans are important, then we should also understand the flaws in this trade-off, and decide whether they matter.
12 min read The WHO’s updated abortion care guidelines illustrate a deliberate misuse of human rights norms to force a particular world view on others.