
Dr. Panos G. Adamopoulos – Greece

< 1 min read W0W…. Unique Data Site…. Bravo. (Un)Fortunately I do not have a personal”SARS-CoV-2″ story to share, but only a first-hand affair of the Human Nemesis that trails all of us and try to render a vāde mēcum of our status quo; there is escape not only hope, at www.1888CE.net.

Rick Kershaw – Canada

3 min read First, thank you for compiling this data and making it available to the general public. I am retired and can remember in Canada when we did not have government provided healthcare. As HC progressed in the country more restrictions seem to have been placed on doctors to provide care and for patients to get care …

Rick Kershaw – Canada Read More »

Jamie Paquin – JAPAN

< 1 min read Greetings from Tokyo – I would like to share my observations and experiences regarding mask usage. Here in Japan, there is high compliance to mask wearing. On the streets in the open air you’ll find the vast majority wearing masks and in any indoor spaces asking for them you’ll see few people try to resist. …

Jamie Paquin – JAPAN Read More »

Covid Experts: there is another way

Covid Experts: There is another way – UnHerd TV

< 1 min read Three eminent epidemiologists met in Massachusetts to plan a better response to the pandemic.
“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical, and mental health impacts of prevailing COVID-19 policies.”

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