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Our mission is simple:

The science is clear on what key policy responses should be. Fuelling fear and removing agency from people’s lives across the world is not sound public health policy.

We aim to empower the public with accurate information thereby enabling individuals to exercise freedom of choice and preserve human liberties and free societies


Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel.


Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel.


Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel.

Latest Articles


The mass vaccine rollout for children and young people

All Risk. Zero Benefit.

Ten reasons why children and young people should not get the Covid-19 injections and what you can do to help protect them.

The Vaccination Status

Reject The Divide

Mandatory vaccinations have no place in a free society. Say no to dividing society based on vaccination status.

The Vaccination Status

Reject The Divide

Mandatory vaccinations have no place in a free society. Say no to dividing society based on vaccination status.

Scientific understanding of the pandemic

Protocol For Reopening Society

Builds upon existing pandemic frameworks and incorporates current scientific understanding of Covid-19, to provide a road-map out of the damaging cycle of lockdowns.

Scientific understanding of the pandemic

Protocol For Reopening Society

Builds upon existing pandemic frameworks and incorporates current scientific understanding of Covid-19, to provide a road-map out of the damaging cycle of lockdowns.


Knowledge Factory

Consisting of leading scientists from diverse fields, doctors, data scientists, social scientists, actuaries, economists and legal experts from all over the globe.  This team of experts was established to analyse problems holistically.

Production Factory

Consists of writers, editors, graphic designers, video editors, social media specialists and translators.  Our communication team transforms  scientific findings into  content that the public can access and understand.

Engine Factory

Ensures that all the functions required to keep the organization operating are put in place and initiated.  Our Operations team consists of strategists, administrators, accountants, and IT experts.

Morbi vulputate purus augue, ut luctus risus luctus eget. In molestie sit amet leo sit amet lacinia. Quisque consequat at mauris vitae sodales. Curabitur aliquam euismod consectetur. Nunc sed aliquam erat. Nulla dapibus, felis a ornare porttitor, enim ex volutpat augue, vitae accumsan est nisl sit amet lorem.
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Aenean laoreet lacus at sagittis aliquam. Aliquam eget orci faucibus, consectetur dolor aliquam, porta nisi. Phasellus nibh dui, viverra vel massa commodo, laoreet aliquam velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi magna lacus, tincidunt vitae hendrerit eget, ultrices ut lacus. Donec non justo urna.
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Suspendisse ornare aliquam eros, nec tincidunt metus feugiat quis. Proin eget velit justo. Sed nec sem varius, placerat sem id, bibendum tortor. In sed pretium ante. Etiam hendrerit quis sem in tincidunt. Integer sit amet mauris id lorem ornare porta nec ac elit. Nam ut iaculis enim.
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Take Action

Quisque congue, ex quis convallis convallis, massa lorem egestas justo, sed semper lectus risus sit amet urna. Sed ornare fermentum sollicitudin. Duis augue ipsum, consectetur a neque at, tincidunt convallis orci. Praesent non massa gravida, facilisis nunc et, pretium ex. Quisque dictum fringilla pretium.


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