Prepared by Abir Ballan, MPH
Dear ………………….. [name of the company] management,
It has come to my attention that you are not allowing parents/ clients to enter your premises without proof of Covid-19 vaccination or a negative PCR test.
I appreciate that you are trying to ensure the safety of your clients, however, I urge you to consider the following points:
What are the benefits of implementing such a policy?
What are the costs?
Are businesses entitled to discriminate against people based on their health preferences/ status?
Here are some facts for your attention:
- The Covid-19 injections are not mandated by the ……..……. [name of country] government. [hyperlink a reference or delete this sentence if not applicable].
Under all biomedical ethical guidelines, individuals have the right to informed consent (the right to consent to a medical procedure without pressure, coercion or force) and bodily autonomy (the right to make decisions pertaining to one’s body and health). Consider reading this informed consent for the Covid-19 injections. - Unvaccinated individuals don’t pose a higher risk to society than vaccinated individuals. Vaccinated individuals catch and spread the virus to others in a similar way, and sometimes more, than unvaccinated people.
- The PCR tests are very unreliable in determining infectiousness, especially at high cycle thresholds (e.g., 97% of positive tests are false at Ct of 35) and may remain positive for up to 3 months following infection when the individual is no longer infectious.
- Recovered individuals have far better immunity against further infection or transmission than the vaccines provide.
- Exerting social pressure on individuals to influence their medical choices is wrong morally and ethically. It leads to individuals, who do not benefit from the Covid-19 injections, to be injected in order to be able to access services. They are thus endangering their lives through risking potential adverse events associated with the injections.
Although your policy is well-intentioned, its inherent discriminatory nature can have serious deleterious implications on society.
Discriminatory policies have never served us well in the past.
I am happy to discuss any of the above with you at your convenience.
Kind regards,
[Full Name]