North Korea joins WHO’s Leadership. But this is not the issue.
4 min read Should WHO dictate how we manage basic challenges in our lives? We would give up centuries of hard-won gains and re-embrace the feudalism
4 min read Should WHO dictate how we manage basic challenges in our lives? We would give up centuries of hard-won gains and re-embrace the feudalism
12 min read The WHO’s updated abortion care guidelines illustrate a deliberate misuse of human rights norms to force a particular world view on others.
6 min read Democracies and sane societies are built on rationalism and honesty. They may not always exhibit this, but these values must underpin major decisions.
7 min read A template letter to alert your MP to your concerns regarding the proposed WHO pandemic treaty. The letter is intended to stimulate discussion
12 min read The proposed WHO instruments for pandemics and health emergencies would fundamentally change the relationship between the WHO, its Member States, and their populations,
7 min read by Dr David Bell | Past authoritarian approaches relied heavily on revising history to lend credence to their claims. In this article, David
7 min read The subversion of health for profit runs contrary to the entire ethos of thepost-World War Two anti-fascist, anti-colonialist movement. When people across politics
5 min read Dr David Bell | Public health relies on trust which is maintained by telling the truth, giving accurate information and sound advice. Advertising
< 1 min read When the World Health Organization declared the pandemic, they signalled to governments around the world that they must take action to protect
4 min read by Dr David Thunder | The World Health Organization has proposed that the international community negotiate and eventually ratify an international “accord” or