Dear Sir,
Why are we vaccinating children?
Despite assurances that this was an adult vaccine suitable for adults and that there are no plans to vaccinate children, vaccinations for our children are scheduled to begin shortly with the Department of Health not ruling out further vaccines for children and I see Pfizer has applied to vaccinate 5-11 year olds.
The Health Minister claims “Vaccinating 12-15 year olds helps protect them against the virus.”
Surely this is only justifiable if the children are at risk and need protecting and perhaps, if it was highly transmissible by children.
Yet recently, the CMO stated “the overall risk of children becoming severely ill from Covid is extremely low, very few, if any, children or teenagers will come to long term harm from Covid due solely to attending school”
And the scientific evidence confirms this: children and young people have a mostly mild or asymptomatic response to the SAR-CoV 2 virus, they have a 99.9973% survival chance with Professor Heneghan stating that the Infection Fatality Rate for this group is nearly zero.
The Health Minister went on to say that vaccinating the children will prevent disruption to their education.
What would stop the disruption to their education is an end to the obsessive testing using a flawed PCR test, which results in so many children being sent home. Transmission from children to adults is minimal -according to Public Health England “They aren’t taking it home and then transferring it to the community. These kids have very little capacity to infect household members”
A new study by Oxford has found that of the one million schoolchildren sent home and forced to self-isolate for 10 days last term, 98.4% did not go on to develop Covid, so forcing children to isolate was probably pointless, the researchers say, with the loss of 9,840,000 school days.
What about the risk to the children from the vaccine?
There is a reported high rate of side effects with children between 12-15 being 6 times more likely to be hospitalised with heart issues related to the vaccine than with Covid.
All this and the government’s leading advisory body The Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation recommended NOT to do vaccinate children, because there is no safety data.
Furthermore the decision to carry out the process in school subjects children to extreme peer pressure. This is a nightmare for Heads to sort out, with high potential for vaccine disputes amongst pupils.
Will they still have to wear masks? after all if they are vaccinated-they are safe, aren’t they?
It is simply unethical and immoral to put children and young people at risk allegedly to protect adults and using coercive and restrictive measures to do so is even worse.
Society divided, churches divided, families divided and now schools divided-for a virus with a 99.95% survival chance.
5 times more children have died from suicide than from Covid – our children’s mental health is the real issue.
The question remains – why are we vaccinating children?
Hugh Mccarthy MSc BSC (Hons) BA
Photo by Maksim Goncharenok from Pexels
Stop the mass Covid-19 vaccine rollout for children and young people.