Why Children and Young People Don’t Need a Covid-19 Injection – printable
< 1 min read n easy-to-read leaflet that explains why children and young people don’t need the Covid-19 injections. Based on PANDA’s All Risk, Zero Benefit
< 1 min read n easy-to-read leaflet that explains why children and young people don’t need the Covid-19 injections. Based on PANDA’s All Risk, Zero Benefit
< 1 min read The South Asia Malaysia Health Summit 2022, hosted by Dr. Naseeba Kathrada, took place January 21 & 22. Learn more about Omicron
< 1 min read Dealing mostly with fear and courage, Nick and Tommy chat about all things Covid lockdowns.
< 1 min read Nick Hudson speaks about the intersects between politics, economics and medicine that the Covid pandemic and its associated narrative has brought to
4 min read Daar is baie pilare wat die Covid-narratief ondersteun. Hierdie versameling van 20 van die mees deurdringende mites sluit die realiteit van elkeen in,
< 1 min read Alexandra Lavoie of RebelNews chatted to Nick Hudson on his thoughts on the situation in Canada, where they are based. This is
< 1 min read In this Twitter Space interview, Neil Oliver and Nick Hudson connected with Efrat Fenigson and Gal.G about everything Covid – from our
< 1 min read An open discussion with interviewer Sandra Prinsloo, recorded during the Foxwood Arts Fest, 27 October 2021
2 min read Medical care fundamentally demands treatment be provided without judgment for a patient’s personal beliefs. If a practitioner’s emotions do not allow them to