Sound scientific process ensures that knowledge grows by creatively generating new explanations and falsifiable hypotheses which are rigorously tested against evidence.
Thus, knowledge is never static and evolves in an iterative cycle of conjecture and criticism, where every explanation, model or theory is ultimately destined to be replaced by a better one.
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History – Part 1 | Roman Bystrianyk
< 1 min read How much do we really know about the history of disease, vaccines and public health? How much does the establishment want us
How Medicine Lost Its Way: The Abandonment of Medical Ethics | Richard Amerling, MD
< 1 min read The Hippocratic Oath has been abandoned by most practicing physicians over the last several decades. How did Medicine lose its way?
Challenges in manufacturing and distributing products derived from biologics | Hedley Rees
2 min read Hedley Rees explains how the fragmented supply chain for new pharma products has disrupted the time-tested practices that were key to drug safety.
The myths of Pandemic Preparedness
7 min read The subversion of health for profit runs contrary to the entire ethos of thepost-World War Two anti-fascist, anti-colonialist movement. When people across politics
Virology | Mary Hauser, PhD and Jennifer Smith, Ph
2 min read An overview of the field of virology, covering the basics from virus structure to the mechanisms of viral infections to PCR testing.
Medical Fascism in the Lancet
6 min read Medical ethics are about protecting society from medical malfeasance and the self-interest of the humans whom we trust to manage health. It is
Leo Biddle | A selective attention gorilla in the coalmine, and lack of primate pandemic
< 1 min read Leo Biddle has been working in field conservation and the illegal wildlife trade for the last 20+ years; with a large focus
Lancet, COVID-19, and the modeling of fallacy
6 min read Honesty in medical publishing, meaning publication on the basis of transparent rigorous review and impartiality, is of particular importance to medicine and public
Natural immunity is not – and never was – just a right-wing conspiracy theory
8 min read There was never any reason to expect that “natural immunity” – the protection acquired through infection by SARS-COV-2 – should not be
Creating Research “Consensus”
5 min read A PANDA scientist contemplates the propaganda-type techniques in promoting consensus in research.
When evidence and dogma diverge: The sad decline of our esteemed medical journals
3 min read by Dr David Bell | There was a time when medical publishing went beyond advertising and attempted to uphold the value of
Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-perceptions of Researchers and Practitioners
2 min read by Josh Guetzkow | In this opinion article, the author who is a Senior lecturer at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, makes the
Mathew Crawford: The DMED Analysis Points to Mass Data Fraud
< 1 min read On January 24, 2022, attorney Thomas Renz represented a trio of whistleblowers at a hearing held by Senator Ron Johnson. He shared
Dr. David Wiseman PhD, MRPharmS: The Regulatory and Legal Updates Regarding Covid-19 Treatment
< 1 min read Dr David Wiseman PhD, MRPharmS, has taken a keen interest in the data regarding the roll out and continued use of the
What is True Science?
4 min read A real-time discussion between two PANDA scientists presented as a mind-opener and a touchpoint for discussion and debate.