Evidence already shows serious damage from the Covid response to the physical, mental and social well-being of children and young people, as well as their educational attainment and future prospects. There was never a reason to disrupt the lives of children and young people and there is every reason to restore normality to this population. Policy-makers should take immediate action to protect children and young people from further harm and injustice, now and in the future.
Open Letter to South African Rugby Union (SARU)
2 min read At an amateur SARU meeting in April 2022, it was decided that only children who provide proof of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 could participate. While this decision has since been retracted, this discrimination threatens
Do Covid curbs harm our children?
2 min read One of a letter series written to Northern Ireland School Boards questioning their response to various aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic as it relates to the children in their care.
Why are we vaccinating children?
2 min read One of a series of letters written to Northern Ireland School Boards questioning their response to various aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic as it relates to the children in their care.
Informed Consent is not child’s play
< 1 min read On 18 October 2021, the Western Cape Government sent a circular detailing the arrangements surrounding the South African vaccine rollout to 12-17 year olds. This is PANDA’s response.
Letter to the Lebanese Minister of Public Health Mr Firas Abiad to protect children and young people in Lebanon from the COVID-19 response
4 min read I write to you to share my deep concerns. As a public health professional, a psychologist and an educator, it is clear to me that children and young people, although practically unaffected by
#UK Injecting 12-15 year olds: it still doesn’t add up
2 min read As we all know, the JCVI advised against vaccinating 12-15 year olds for the good reason that the risks outweigh the benefits. Politics won and the government nevertheless went ahead and approved it.
Letter to MEPs: Stop the Mass COVID-19 vaccine rollout for children and young people
2 min read In response to plans to roll out the COVID-19 vaccination program to children and young people, PANDA sent this letter to all Members of European Parliament.
An Appeal to Reopen Schools in India – letter to the PM
< 1 min read A professor of Computer Science and Technology sent a well referenced letter to authorities in India, as most schools remain closed.
Open letter from UKMFA Re: Administration of Covid-19 vaccines to school children
< 1 min read The UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA), an alliance of medical professionals, scientists and lawyers, wrote an open letter to inform schools heads on the impacts of a proposed COVID-19 vaccine rollout to
All Risk, No Benefit: Covid Vaccine for Children
4 min read Just like lockdowns, a needle in every arm is another strategy that ignores demographic, geographic and immunological differences is being forced on the entire population without a risk-benefit analysis for the individual or
Facts Not Fear: All you need to know about Covid-19
5 min read A Twitter thread by Abir Ballan that separates the Covid-19 facts from the fiction. Its time to stop existing and time to choose life.
A Critical Analysis of the Covid Response
11 min read Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 global pandemic, many issues have arisen that run contrary to historical precedents and known and practiced public health principles of the last century. This
Covid & Kids – a talk by PANDA’s Peter Castleden
< 1 min read PANDA Peter Castleden was invited to speak about the risks Covid poses to our kids weighed up against the implications of lockdown and the measures imposed.
Peter talked to a group of concerned