Sri Lanka: Lessons from an economic crisis
5 min read by Russell Lamberti | A real-world economic and financial disaster is unfolding in Sri Lanka. Like countless crises before, this one is man-made.
5 min read by Russell Lamberti | A real-world economic and financial disaster is unfolding in Sri Lanka. Like countless crises before, this one is man-made.
2 min read This review attempts to empower you with key information to help you assess the World Health Organization’s candidacy as an authoritative global public
10 min read by Dr David Thunder | If a class of experts with privileged access to policymakers goes badly wrong in its judgments, this may
6 min read by Dr David Bell | The compliance thus achieved by the WHO has been vital to achieving a successful concentration of wealth, benefitting
6 min read by Dr David Bell | The mechanisms for increasing direct WHO control of pandemics through the International Health Regulations and the WHO
18 min read by Wilton Alston and Dr Shibrah Jamil | Does the foundation of immunology, epidemiology, and ethics, on which medical decisions have historically been
< 1 min read A professor of Computer Science and Technology sent a well referenced letter to authorities in India, as most schools remain closed.
< 1 min read The Public Emergency Council is a spontaneous initiative of doctors and researchers who felt that it was no longer possible to remain
4 min read The UK has a pandemic plan. It reflects the democratic traditions of the nation, recognising that an informed and empowered public will voluntarily
11 min read Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 global pandemic, many issues have arisen that run contrary to historical precedents and known