Origins and Trajectories of the COVID Phenomenon
22 min read A bare-boned opinion on the broader context of the CORONAcrisis. It is intended to inspire people to add flesh to the counter-narrative that
22 min read A bare-boned opinion on the broader context of the CORONAcrisis. It is intended to inspire people to add flesh to the counter-narrative that
< 1 min read As debate over ‘The Science’ has increased, people are questioning whether there was more to COVID-19 in terms of underlying agendas, in
< 1 min read Elze van Hamelen of De Andere Krant interviews political scientist and propaganda expert Dr. Piers Robinson. He speaks about the production of
< 1 min read Last week gets my vote for the most eventful one in the two years of madness that has been the Covid policy
4 min read Last week gets my vote for the most eventful one in the two years of madness that has been the Covid policy response.
< 1 min read PANDA’s internal weekly Open Science Sessions provide an opportunity for science, research and policy to be presented by various leading international experts
< 1 min read The most notable feature of the Covid epidemic is the degree to which media propaganda has departed from the facts. Unprecedented and
< 1 min read Nick Hudson on the South African government’s avoidance of data in decision-making throughout the pandemic – Reliable data; an essential component of
< 1 min read To beat COVID hysteria, we must ridicule and laugh.
Ridicule the response.
Laugh at the lunacy.
Reject the fear porn.