Sound scientific process ensures that knowledge grows by creatively generating new explanations and falsifiable hypotheses which are rigorously tested against evidence.
Thus, knowledge is never static and evolves in an iterative cycle of conjecture and criticism, where every explanation, model or theory is ultimately destined to be replaced by a better one.
The myths of Pandemic Preparedness
7 min read The subversion of health for profit runs contrary to the entire ethos of thepost-World War Two anti-fascist, anti-colonialist movement. When people across politics
Lancet, COVID-19, and the modeling of fallacy
6 min read Honesty in medical publishing, meaning publication on the basis of transparent rigorous review and impartiality, is of particular importance to medicine and public
Natural immunity is not – and never was – just a right-wing conspiracy theory
8 min read There was never any reason to expect that “natural immunity” – the protection acquired through infection by SARS-COV-2 – should not be
Creating Research “Consensus”
5 min read A PANDA scientist contemplates the propaganda-type techniques in promoting consensus in research.
When evidence and dogma diverge: The sad decline of our esteemed medical journals
3 min read by Dr David Bell | There was a time when medical publishing went beyond advertising and attempted to uphold the value of
Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-perceptions of Researchers and Practitioners
2 min read by Josh Guetzkow | In this opinion article, the author who is a Senior lecturer at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, makes the
What is True Science?
4 min read A real-time discussion between two PANDA scientists presented as a mind-opener and a touchpoint for discussion and debate.
Open Letter to Dr. Harmon and the American Medical Association (AMA)
13 min read The AMA is calling for license revocation of physicians who express legitimate differences of opinion that contrast with the official narrative coming from
Is the ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ a Media Construct?
18 min read by Wilton Alston and Dr Shibrah Jamil | Does the foundation of immunology, epidemiology, and ethics, on which medical decisions have historically been
Understanding Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) and Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) in Vaccine Trials
8 min read by Ivan Iriarte MD, Simon Phoenix PhD | In broad terms, the ARR compares how much the overall probability of an outcome reduced
Analysis: How Bad Is The Bug?
12 min read Assessing the lethality of SARS-CoV2 in spring 2020 by comparing the age distribution of deceased SARS-CoV2-positives with the age distribution of all deceased
The PHE data that goes against the narrative – Hunting down symptomatic COVID-19
< 1 min read Download the article The PHE data that goes against the narrative from PandataAnalytics Author PANDA
Examining Excess Deaths Reporting
10 min read There is a persistent narrative that South Africa’s official COVID-19 death tally is significantly undercounted because reported excess deaths are higher than the
Excess Deaths Oddities
9 min read The SAMRC report attempts to show that the coronavirus pandemic has led to almost 11,000 fatalities, more than three times the official death
Exploring Inter-Country Variation
< 1 min read One of the most interesting features of the COVID-19 outbreak is the stark difference between mortality experience in different countries. No simple