
excess deaths PANDA

Examining Excess Deaths Reporting

10 min read There is a persistent narrative that South Africa’s official COVID-19 death tally is significantly undercounted because reported excess deaths are higher than the official COVID-19 death toll. It is time to dispel  the  three most prominent myths around South Africa’s excess death reporting.

PANDA: More evidence lockdown is complete failure in fighting Covid-19 – the SA picture

< 1 min read One of the most important findings from the masses of emerging Covid-19 data is the complete failure of the lockdown theory as a means of reducing the pace at which the infection spreads—what is known as the “reproduction rate”. Governments and modelers have assumed that imposition and relaxation of lockdowns would cause step-changes in the reproduction rate, but in country after country, no such step-changes can be seen. Reproduction rates track a linearly declining path.

PANDA Scientific Board

Excess Deaths Oddities

9 min read The SAMRC report attempts to show that the coronavirus pandemic has led to almost 11,000 fatalities, more than three times the official death count. Our view is that this claim is false and that simple and logical adjustments to the data for known reporting issues cause the excess fatality number to align much more closely with recorded COVID-19 deaths.

excess deaths PANDA

Exploring Inter-Country Variation

< 1 min read One of the most interesting features of the COVID-19 outbreak is the stark difference between mortality experience in different countries. No simple and plausible explanations that we are aware of have been advanced.

While our results explain roughly half of the inter-country variability, they appear to be far more robust than the current explanations in circulation. We are hopeful that other researchers will identify factors that can improve our model.

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